How I freed myself

I had debilitating menstrual symptoms for 20 years.

Like you, I suffered from menstrual symptoms for many years. I experienced several PMS symptoms in the 10 days leading up to my period, including anxiety, mood swings, breast tenderness, and nausea. This was followed by very severe, labor-like cramps during the first 24 hours of my bleed, along with exhaustion and anemia afterward. Over time, I became an expert on my symptoms and how to survive them. But for the longest time, I had no idea how to heal them.

For nearly a decade, I relied on painkillers to manage my cramps. Over the years, I learned that if I took them too early or too late, they weren’t as effective. Eventually, I discovered that painkillers are harmful to liver health, so about 12 years ago, I stopped taking them altogether and switched to natural methods. It was then that I realized just how severe my cramps really were - they were truly debilitating, sometimes lasting up to 14 hours.

For many years, I tried to rely on homeopathy alone, but my homeopaths were unable to find the right remedies for me. They tried almost every remedy listed in the books for menstrual cramps. Sometimes a remedy helped slightly, but it was a real hit-and-miss journey. Most of the time, it felt like something was missing.

I never gave up on homeopathy because it had helped me so much with every other ailment I had over the years. But after many years of trial and error, I realized that while my homeopath was searching for the right remedies, I should explore other healing modalities to see if they could help my symptoms. So, in the last few years of experiencing my symptoms, I have started tweaking my diet and made many nutritional changes. I experienced some positive changes in my PMS symptoms for sure, but my cramps still remained unchanged. I also tried other healing modalities, but nothing seemed to bring about change. When I finally felt like I had exhausted all my options, I came across menstrual coaching.

Looking back, I now understand that while I was using natural and holistic methods to heal myself, my mindset wasn’t always conducive to healing. I wasn’t in a state of patience, self-love, and mindfulness when my periods began. When dealing with other health symptoms, I was much more forgiving toward myself. But when it came to my cramps, they were simply too painful to think about, and many times I felt furious about having to experience them. This is where menstrual coaching fit into the puzzle: it provided me with the right mindset and all the information necessary for healing.

Once I embraced menstrual awareness practices, the right homeopathic remedies became obvious to me. Since I was already trained in homeopathy, I didn’t even need my homeopath’s help to prescribe these remedies - they were already in my cabinet, so I could take them immediately. At first, the intensity of my symptoms reduced by about 70%. In the following weeks, I increased the dose, and during my next period, I was able to experience something called "period bliss". Since then, my symptoms have gotten a little lighter with each cycle. As of today, I would say that my PMS, cramps, and energy levels are 90-95% better. I continue experimenting with remedies, dietary and self-care choices to keep improving my menstrual health.

How I can help you free yourself

There are some important things that I have learnt from my own and my clients' journeys. These include:

- When it comes to chronic menstrual problems, there isn't a ''one size fits all'' protocol.

- Every individual suffers not only from different symptoms, but also from different maintaining and underlying causes.

- As holistic practitioners, we sometimes need to dig deep to find the underlying causes.

- This process is easier when our clients are familiar with their cycle and practice menstrual awareness.

- Good, personalised nutrition and adequate amount of sleep and exercise is still important, but sometimes aren't enough to shift symptoms on their own.

- Homeopathy is a great way to shift symptoms, but the right remedies are a lot easier to find when there is more menstrual awareness in both the consultation space and the client's life.

- Homeopathy, menstrual cycle awareness practices and dietary changes work beautifully together, and when combined into a 1:1 program, can bring better and more long-lasting results than when used on their own.

It is because of all these reasons that I created Free Your Flow, a 16-weeks program that combines different disciplines, such as homeopathy and menstrual coaching.

My education

I have been working as a holistic practitioner since 2014. I am a licensed homeopath, menstrual coach, Reiki master practitioner, massage therapist and reflexologist. As a homeopath, I did 4 years of studies to attain a license, during which I received both classical and practical education. Medical science and nutrition were part of my education, and I continue deepening my knowledge and understanding in these areas by attending CPD training. Over the past 10 years, I have gained extensive experience in working with clients one-to-one, in holding workshops and lectures, and in managing clinics in collaboration with other holistic practitioners. I am especially passionate about working with clients with menstrual problems and raising awareness of menstrual, hormonal and gynaecological concerns.


Treating menstrual ailments naturally

This webinar is a great way to learn the basics of using natural methods for overcoming menstrual problems and improving menstrual health.


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